piektdiena, 2012. gada 9. marts


Dear Grooms diary,
There have been some changes in my life. Well, for starters I have moved across Denmark. Yup that’s right- me, my best friend 4 enormously big suitcases and 5 hour trip in train. That was after I had my 1 week vacation back in Latvia which is a whole different story from todays. Today I want to talk about longings. And by the way I’m grooming for dressage now.
I was excited to try something new. My excitement lasted only for few weeks since I realized that grooming for dressage is pretty much the same as show jumping, however, I did learned some new things and I keep doing that. What is different? It is much higher attitude towards horses and your work, there are a lot more horses and lot more to think and take care of. Horses come and go. Team stays consistent which is something different from what I had seen working in Belgium. I like it.
The story today is about longings for your own horse. Since this temptation to have one again takes me over more often. When I was 16 I wanted a horse so badly that I would do anything to get it and despite my father’s protests I saved up money and I got my horse and all the responsibility and troubles that came within. I shared some fantastic moments and it is an experience I will savor forever and I do not regret. But I will not argue that my desidions made life so much harder and heartache richer. So here comes what I have learned:
1.       Do think about money! Horse takes a lot of it. When I was a kid I saw it simple- hardest is to buy a horse, but that is not quite true. Bills you will get for stabling, extra food, blacksmiths, competitions and the worst of all vets can become a life sucking monster. The best way to know it- if you can afford this fantastic creature is to calculate your maximum expanses and then add a 100. This amount you should have on all times just for your horse. I’m telling this based on fact that there are horses that needs a lot of extra food or vet checks and if you cannot provide it you might end up in big heartache when your beloved animal is skinny, unhappy and worst of all unhealthy.
2.       Be sure you have the time. Time is essential since your own horse is like your child – it needs attention, care, daily ridings and paddock time. It would be sad if one day you realize that someone else is riding your horse more than you for lack of time and you end up paying for it. Is it really worth it? 
3.       The last but not least important thing would be making sure you by the horse you need. The biggest mistake I did when I bought my first horse was I had no clue what I really wanted and frankly neither did I care as long as it was my own horse. I ended up with a young hobby horse, when in reality I needed an experienced competition partner. Be wise- choose good!
4.       BE sure you have an Access to a trainer. Maybe you feel experienced enough but the truth is that everyone needs a trainer once in a while. Unlimited access can help you towards your goals.
There are more on theme „owning a horse” but these are things I remind myself whenever I’m eager to jump pin this train again. I will one day first I have to stand on my two feet, have my own place, consistent income and time for my partner.
So tomorrow I’m going to see what the buzz around Herning stallion show is.http://www.danishwarmblood.org Make sure to check out next week how it went!

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